Cómo funciona

Consigue tus regalos exclusivos siendo parte de nuestro programa de fidelización

Formas de ganar dinero

Gana más puntos por diferentes acciones y convierte esos puntos en increíbles recompensas.

Consigue más puntos completando estas misiones

Formas de canjear

Gastar los puntos que tanto te costó ganar es fácil. Solo tienes que aplicarlos para obtener un descuento al finalizar la compra.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore this section to find comprehensive answers to all your questions about the loyalty program.

Points expire every year. Bronze Tier start earning 5 points for every $100 spent.

Yes, the more you spend, the higher the tier and reward. Tiers consists of Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Bronze save 4% earning 5 points for every $100, Silver is achieved by spending $550+ to begin saving 8% from that time forward, earning 7 points for every $100 and Gold is achieved by spending $1000+ to begin saving 12% forever after and earning 10 points for every $100.

Yes, absolutely free. You start as Bronze tier level when you register! Meaning you begin to SAVE!